Friday, September 30, 2011

green platanos

this post is dedicated to my dear friend yo who hails from  nebraska
and lives in nyc.
she asked me to do a post about cooking green plantains- aka
 tostones or patacones.
all the years of hanging out with me at latin restaurants & family
 events have turned ms. yo into a tostone fanatica(fan).

platanos are usually sold in latin or caribbean markets for
 3x1$, 6x1$, or 10x1$ all depending on the market and area.

you will need.
salt, canola oil,platano, knife, tostonera(plantain smasher)
or you can use  the back of a plate or small pan.

rinse the platano then cut off the tips.

with a sharp knife run down the spine or seams of the platano
then gently peel with your hands.

cut the platanos into 1 inch pieces and then gently place on to
the pan which should be preheated with the canola oil
(make sure to place them in once you hear slight pops in the oil).

remove the platanos once they are lightly golden and place them on
 a paper towel,at this point you will flatten them and continue to fry.

quickly flatten.

the outcome should look like this, not completely cooked.
next place the platanos back in the pan and fry turning once until
they are golden brown.

place on a napkin to soak up any oil and make sure to salt them
while they are hot.

viola! enjoy alone or as a side dish.


  1. YUMMO! I'm making these today! Gracias!

  2. I love platanos and I have never seen a recipe explain so easily how to make them. Thanks Gitana! :) AG

  3. @ AG I am glad that you found the recipe to be simple :) xo miss ya chica!
