Tuesday, July 24, 2012

color and bling

hola! yay to color and accessories....always.
iris apfel

Monday, July 23, 2012

latin lunch

                                this video reminds me of cozy
                                coastal colombian cusine.

Saturday, July 21, 2012


hola! what a sight! the sky this morning.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

nyc heat

hola! yikes, we have being in heatwave land here in nyc!
muy caliente!
i cooled off a bit by.....

grabbing fresh coconut water in chinatown.

ahh yummy.....

sported colorful wedges to beat the heat
 on the nyc streets.....

chilled out at the metropolitan museum of art and saw
the schiaparelli and prada: impossible conversation
 exhibit along......

with the tomas saraceno  exhibit on the roof at the met.

and to top it off...margaritas, of course!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

cashmere drops

hola! allow me to introduce you to some seriously delicious
couture cookies.

my friend sherrita came by the other day for brunch and gave me
this little bag filled with pure decadence! cashmere drops which are melt in
your mouth sweet potato cookies.
seriously!!! they were delicious! she makes them and you can order some here.