Friday, September 30, 2011

green platanos

this post is dedicated to my dear friend yo who hails from  nebraska
and lives in nyc.
she asked me to do a post about cooking green plantains- aka
 tostones or patacones.
all the years of hanging out with me at latin restaurants & family
 events have turned ms. yo into a tostone fanatica(fan).

platanos are usually sold in latin or caribbean markets for
 3x1$, 6x1$, or 10x1$ all depending on the market and area.

you will need.
salt, canola oil,platano, knife, tostonera(plantain smasher)
or you can use  the back of a plate or small pan.

rinse the platano then cut off the tips.

with a sharp knife run down the spine or seams of the platano
then gently peel with your hands.

cut the platanos into 1 inch pieces and then gently place on to
the pan which should be preheated with the canola oil
(make sure to place them in once you hear slight pops in the oil).

remove the platanos once they are lightly golden and place them on
 a paper towel,at this point you will flatten them and continue to fry.

quickly flatten.

the outcome should look like this, not completely cooked.
next place the platanos back in the pan and fry turning once until
they are golden brown.

place on a napkin to soak up any oil and make sure to salt them
while they are hot.

viola! enjoy alone or as a side dish.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

spanish harlem views

spanish harlem views.

yes we broke down and nibbled on some fritutas (fried treats)

the flags of mexico and puerto rico .

a netted bag filled with big chunks of ginger only un peso!!!! sweet!

the famous marqueta food market it was the place to shop in the
 60's, 70's and 8o's since then they have downsized.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

flower power

flowers always put a smile on my face, my friend caro insisted that
 i pop by her place to see some of her flower arrangements.
love love !
thanks for sharing your flower love caro...we sure are flower chicas!

i know the snapshots of the last 2 are a bit me they
were lovely.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

haring & kirkwood

ohhh! how i would love to roll and strut in these babies.

click here for details.

Friday, September 23, 2011

autumn is here!

happy 1st day of autumn!

art bits

pictures from a recent gallery stroll in chelsea.

tim okamura

tim okamura's "bronx-brooklyn-queens" exhibit at  lyons wier gallery.

paolo ventura

paul henry ramirez's "playconics" exhibit at
 galerie richard.

paul henry ramirez

postcards and art news.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

packaged essentials

here are a few of my packaged essential foods.
click on the links if you are interested in reading about the benefits of each.
organic oatmeal
green tea
almond breeze
dried fruit snack
by the way green tea is normally not one of my essentials,
 however as recently seen on the dr. oz show.....
green tea chilled with the juice of  tangerines and some mint leaves equals a nice healthy refreshing drink.

"let food be thy medicine"-hippocrates-

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

mercado {brasil via florida}

i love visiting local markets when i travel to different cities
 or countries, on a past visit to florida i ventured to little brasil.



body soaps. loved the lavender one.

havaianas flip flops and ladies the prices were way less expensive at
 this braslian market :)

so of course after hitting the market i had to walk around the corner
 to a local braslian bakery and devoured this pan de quezo 
( cheese bread) in colombia
 we have a similar version called pan de bono... delish!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

gifted {portugal}

culinary treats from portugal!
honey in a beautiful jar.

tuna...yum i see a tapas treat in my future.
thanks for my portuges treats c & d ! you guys are the best.

Monday, September 12, 2011

more reads

this book was such a great read! having been raised by immigrant parents, i always enjoy reading stories about other families
 and their experiences in a new country.
how to be an ameican housewife

the foreigners
i did not love this was ok...but it did give me the urge to
 pack my bags and move to argentina or some other foreign country
 and totally reinvent myself...ahhhh...perhaps?